The Known Universe – by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)


The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe, at the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan through May 2010.

Data: Digital Universe, American Museum of Natural History

Visualization Software: Uniview by SCISS

Director: Carter Emmart
Curator: Ben R. Oppenheimer
Producer: Michael Hoffman
Executive Producer: Ro Kinzler
Co-Executive Producer: Martin Brauen
Manager, Digital Universe Atlas: Brian Abbott

Music: Suke Cerulo

For more information visit


Copyright Notice provided by the AMNH

Use of Videos on the AMNH Site

Wednesday, January 27 4:28 pm

‘The Known Universe’ was created jointly by the Rubin Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History. It appears as part of the exhibit ‘Visions of the Cosmos: From Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe‘ at the Rubin Museum of Art.

This film is a digital asset of both the Rubin Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History. These digital assets are protected by copyright and trademark laws, and are the property of the two Museums. Digital assets are defined as content from different media (e.g., photographs, video, text, audio, Web pages, etc.) preserved in digital form.

Unless otherwise stated, you may print or download digital assets for informational use, small groups in classroom settings, and other noncommercial purposes provided you include the following copyright notice adjacent to the resource, with the URL as a live link in digital environments:

© the Rubin Museum of Art, and the American Museum of Natural History,

You may not reproduce, record, publish, modify or distribute any digital assets for commercial or revenue-generating purposes without prior written consent from the Rubin Museum of Art or the American Museum of Natural History. Requests for commercial use of digital assets or questions as to whether a specific use is permissible or requires written consent should be sent to:


One thought on “The Known Universe – by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)

  1. Michaelji ~ This is so very beautiful! What a gift! I watched it one morning, silently, before program, and now, after… two kinds of fullness…

    Ananda Sarvam Anandam ~ Elisaji

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